What the heck is a Prosthodontist? What do they do? Well in a nutshell, they solve complex dental issues with the use of prosthetic devices. Many offices think we do dentures. Well, yes, but we prefer if patients do better than struggle with a removable device that keeps them from living their lives the way they should. We see cancer patients, accident victims, seniors, kids and those who just want a pretty smile and to eat better.
We have found that many general dentist’s offices don’t know what we do. Well, the truth is often, we usually see patients that have almost given up on finding a dental solution after years of “band-aiding” their teeth, or even worse, when a dentist thinks they can solve the complex problem, only to make it worse.
Help your staff to understand when it is time to stop and get the help of a specialist.
And what is a better way to learn about us than over lunch? COVID slowed us down, but we are back.
Let our office bring your office a delicious lunch, while learning about what services we offer and how and when to refer a patient to our office. In the meantime, just get to know each other better.
We love the Treasure Valley Dental Community and want to strive to work as a team to solve issues with high-quality, long-term solutions that will make Idaho Smile Again!
To get on our schedule for your Lunch & Learn, email marketing@boiseprosthodontics.com or call 208-376-0567 and ask for the Marketing Director.