“I had all of my teeth taken out. I thought that I could go with and be happy with just dentures and I was very wrong. So I contacted Dr. Gurney and that was the start of my relationship with this office. The staff here is more like a family. They welcome you. They’re so happy. As soon as you walk in they meet you. They meet you one time then they know your name. They know everything about you. Just very welcoming.
When they first talked to me as far as porcelain, as far as different types, I really didn’t realize as far as what the difference would make and it made all the difference. I feel like I have better than real teeth, if that can even be a thing.
I can now eat anything that I want. Like the other night I actually ate a piece of pizza and I didn’t have to cut it all in little pieces like a little child. I could just eat a piece of pizza. I could eat a hamburger. I can eat a steak. I can eat whatever I want to and I’ve never been able to. I haven’t been able to do that for over two years at least. I would say probably five years because of the shape my teeth were in before that.”