Custom Dentures
“Well, I had a denture, it was permanent. As I’ve aged, just as you can see I’ve aged, and started having problems with one of the teeth and it became infected and then we had the pandemic. So by the time I got to Dr. Jones, the problem was quite serious but we were able to take care of it.
It’s very important to take care of your teeth and I realize women are very prone to not do that and as we age it gets worse, I can assure you. So if you have a problem, please get in here as soon as possible.
Now I have a beautiful smile and feel much more confident and I can’t even tell you how well my dentures fit. They are magicians here, so I would highly recommend them and very happy with the whole entire experience. From the minute you open the door, you find a friendly face, genuinely friendly and very caring. Everyone here is very caring.
Frankly, I feel like it’s made me a new woman. I feel years younger, so not only do I feel like my smile has improved, I feel like my attitude has improved and that means a lot.”
TEAM MEMBERS: Dr. Scott Bobst, Boise Oral Surgery